Friday, February 12, 2010

Joy-Southfield preparing to launch a childhood obesity prevention program

The childhood obesity epidemic threatens to make this the first generation of youth who will have a shorter life span than their parents. In 1964, 5% of children were obese; in 2009 that number has grown to 20%. An additional 10% of youth are overweight. Data released by the Centers for Disease Control in Jan, 2010, show that 43% of obese teenagers already have abnormal cholesterol levels - placing them at greatly increased risk for developing life-threatening heart disease.

We agree with First Lady Michelle Obama that this situation can be corrected. We have assembled a team of local partners who will help us establish an evidence-based program to educate youth about healthy options and to make those options more readily available within our community. Program elements will include: school- and community-based preventive education; a community gardening program with youth involvement; a local farmers market; increased access to exercise facilities; and increased access to healthy food through existing local stores. Check back for future updates. Post a reply if you are interested in volunteering to help support these programs.


observer313 said...

This is a wonderful endeavor. Please let me know what I can do to assist.

observer313 said...

i can be reached at